High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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    ih центробежный насос из соленой воды с морской водой из нержавеющей стали

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Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос с фторовой футеровкой ihf-d является усовершенствованным продуктом центробежного насоса с фторсодержащей футеровкой. Что более усто

Fluorine-Lined Magnetic Pump Facilitates Electroplating Wastewater Treatment and Recycling


A leading electroplating enterprise faced the dual challenge of treating complex wastewater and achieving efficient recycling. The wastewater contained harmful chemicals, posing high demands on traditional pumps that often experienced issues like leaks and poor corrosion resistance.


Complexity of Wastewater:Electroplating wastewater contains various hazardous metals and acidic/alkaline substances, demanding high-performance materials for traditional pumps.
Recycling Difficulty:Traditional pumps exhibited low efficiency during the recycling process of treated wastewater, leading to frequent malfunctions and resource wastage.


The introduction of a fluorine-lined magnetic pump as a key component in the wastewater treatment and recycling system was implemented to address the challenges.

Ⅲ.Benefits and Results:

Corrosion Resistance:The fluorine-lined material significantly enhanced the pump's corrosion resistance, successfully addressing the challenges posed by the complex chemical composition of wastewater.

Zero Leakage Design:Magnetic drive technology eliminated mechanical seals, completely preventing pump leaks and ensuring a clean and safe production environment.
High Efficiency:Advanced hydraulic design and magnetic drive systems improved the pump's operational efficiency, reducing energy consumption and enabling cost-effective recycling of wastewater.

Long Service Life and Stable Operation:The reliability and stability of the fluorine-lined magnetic pump allowed for long-term operation in the electroplating industry's wastewater treatment system, significantly reducing maintenance costs.

Fluorine-Lined Magnetic Pump

The successful application of the fluorine-lined magnetic pump not only solved technical challenges in electroplating wastewater treatment but also laid a solid foundation for effective resource utilization and environmentally friendly production for the enterprise. This success case provides robust support for the broader adoption of green practices in the electroplating industry.


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