High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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    ih центробежный насос из соленой воды с морской водой из нержавеющей стали

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Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос с фторовой футеровкой ihf-d является усовершенствованным продуктом центробежного насоса с фторсодержащей футеровкой. Что более усто

GDF Teflon pipe centrifugal pump


GDF Teflon pipe centrifugal pump

GDF Teflon pipe vertical centrifugal pump is manufactured by full plastic hot melt molding process, the pipe pump is made of 45 steel lined with polyperfluoroethylene propylene, the impeller is made of fluoroplastic alloy, the pump shell and pump cover are made of polyperfluoroethylene propylene lined with TH200, the machine is made of polyperfluoroethylene propylene lined with 45 steel, the impeller is made of fluoroplastic alloy, and the pump shell and cover are made of polyperfluoroethylene propylene lined with PTFE. The mechanical seal is made of carbon fiber filled with tetrafluorine, silicon carbide, high purity alumina 99.9% ceramics and other materials.

Pipeline vertical pump it is a gas station where the fluid is in the pipeline. When the pipeline is laid very long and the velocity of the fluid in the pipeline is not enough to overcome the resistance of the pipeline, it is necessary to add a booster pump to increase the pressure of the fluid in the pipeline so that it can be transported to a farther place.
Specific advantages of pipeline vertical pump:

  • 1. Vertical installation to save space and reduce the cost of the company.
  • 1. The mechanical seal has better visibility and is convenient for later inspection and maintenance.
  • 3. Multiple units can be connected in series on a longer pipeline to play the role of supercharging.
  • 4. The motor is directly connected with the pump, so the efficiency of synchronous power transmission is higher.


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