High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос с фторовой футеровкой ihf-d является усовершенствованным продуктом центробежного насоса с фторсодержащей футеровкой. Что более усто

CQB-F full plastic special magnetic pump for high temperature resistant acid and alkali.


Magnetic pump has the advantages of compact structure, beautiful appearance, small area and long service life, which is favored by many customers in the machinery industry. the performance of magnetic pump has reached the advanced level of similar centrifugal pump products at home and abroad.

一、 prevent particles from entering the magnetic pump.
1. Ferromagnetic impurities and particles shall not enter the magnetic zone and bearing friction pairs. 2. It should be operated under the specified temperature condition, and the medium temperature exceeding the standard is strictly prohibited. The platinum resistance temperature sensor is installed on the outer surface of the isolation sleeve of the remagnetic pump, which has detected the rise of the temperature in the annulus, so that the alarm or the temperature exceeds the limit.
3. When the outlet valve is closed, the continuous operation time of the magnetic pump shall not exceed 2 minutes to prevent the magnetic actuator from overheating.

Avoid demagnetization.
1. The magnetic torque can not be designed too small. 2. After conveying the medium which is easy to crystallize or precipitate, you must wash it in time (after stopping the pump, pour it into the pump cavity and discharge it clean after running 1min).

Avoid dry friction.
1. It is strictly forbidden to idling 2、 when conveying the medium containing solid particles, it should be filtered at the inlet of the pump pipe.

二、The maintenance of magnetic pump has the following points:
1. Bearing breakage.
The shaft of the magnetic pump is made of 99% alumina ceramic, the key reason is that the bearing is twisted due to the air transportation of the pump and the dry grinding of the bearing. When the magnetic pump is turned on, it can be seen that the bearing has been seriously worn to prevent the pump from breaking.
2. Insufficient lift.
The cause of this failure is that in the conveying medium, the impeller is damaged, the speed is not enough, the proportion of conveying liquid is too large, and the flow rate is too large.
3. Bearing damage.
Magnetic pump bearings are used for high-density carbon, which can cause damage if the pump is out of water or if there are impurities in the bearings. If the coaxiality between the inner and outer magnetic rotors of the cylindrical coupler can not be guaranteed, the life of the magnetic pump bearing will be directly affected.


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