High Temperature Resistant Centrifugal Pump Installer
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последние новости
Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос IHF-D с тефлоновым покрытием

Центробежный насос с фторовой футеровкой ihf-d является усовершенствованным продуктом центробежного насоса с фторсодержащей футеровкой. Что более усто

IHF- sulfuric acid single stage single suction high temperature resistant chemical centrifugal pump


IHF- sulfuric acid single stage single suction high temperature resistant chemical centrifugal pump

IHF- corrosion-resistant centrifugal pump is widely used in different industries, mainly because the model selection is not scientific, many corrosion-resistant centrifugal pumps are in an unscientific operation, low operation efficiency, increased maintenance costs, resulting in a part of the waste of resources. Mainly because of the unscientific model selection, there will be no way to use the corrosion-resistant pump, otherwise there will be frequent problems and the cost of use will increase, so how to select a suitable corrosion-resistant centrifugal pump is also a great knowledge.

1. Under normal circumstances, if the customer has no way to choose a suitable corrosion-resistant centrifugal pump, the basic parameters such as the liquid properties of its flow head can be put forward, and the technical personnel of the corrosion-resistant centrifugal pump manufacturer can provide the model selection or introduce better corrosion-resistant chemical centrifugal pump equipment. If the design institute in the design of equipment, the type of corrosion-resistant centrifugal pump has been confirmed, according to the regulations of the design institute.

2. According to the arrangement of the device, geomorphological conditions, water level conditions, working conditions, confirm the selection of horizontal, vertical and other types (pipeline type, submerged type, non-plugging type, self-priming type, etc.) corrosion resistant centrifugal pump.

3. According to the liquid medium, confirm the clear water corrosion resistant centrifugal pump, hot water corrosion resistant centrifugal pump or oil corrosion resistant centrifugal pump, chemical corrosion resistant centrifugal pump or impurity corrosion resistant centrifugal pump, or choose non-clogging corrosion resistant centrifugal pump.

4. the material of the anticorrosive pump is naturally anticorrosive. In the long-term anticorrosive environment, it is recommended to use fluoroplastic material, while stainless steel alloy material will be corroded, so it is not recommended.


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